About Us

Uncle Dave & Aunt Monika
Dave & Monika Yancey
Dave and Monika, affectionately known as Uncle Dave and Aunt Monika, are two young-at-heart people who have retired. Dave is retired from a lifetime career in marketing and Monika’s niche was as a dietitian. They have two sons Richard and Wesley and five grandsons. Life is blessed and wonderfully hectic.
After all of the years of owning this wonderful vintage car, it has become increasingly clear that they wanted to share it, somehow, with the world. But how to do that effectively and for what purpose? The ambitious couple love God, country, people and classic cars. Put all these pieces together and the couple came up with a recipe for a once in a lifetime adventure across America!
To make the journey more pointed and embracing, Dave and Monika came up with a concept and plan…to create a shared adventure with family, friends, and soon to be, on-the-road friends. Dave and Monika Yancey woud drive this car to all 34 Auburn-named cities in America for an educational living history experience, sharing the adventure from the road and ultimately in a book “Auburn Across America”. The adventure is designed to inspire as well as teach geography, history and the social sciences in the classrooms of our great nation.
What Dave and Monika have found is that this classic car creates a enjoyable stirring of the heart as it appears on the road and drives through towns. People wave and give thumbs-up. Complete strangers will talk with the Yanceys about the car and soon become friends. So, the adventure is to create a positive experience for the Yanceys and the people from the road as they drive in a classic car that has stood the test of time – a 1935 Auburn Coupe 851 affectionately name ‘Auburn George’.
They would love to have you join them on their journey.
All the photography on the website is done by Dave Yancey. Please enjoy the travel galleries.